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Donate Electronics (Vancouver Area)



Wish List: http://www.spca.bc.ca/branches/vancouver/support/vancouver-giks.html#.UvP5L3m4lSU

Example of wanted items (see wish list link above for the most current and detailed needs):

  • Digital Camera to take pictures of the animals

1205 East 7th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
V5T 1R1
Telephone: 604-879-7721
Email: [email protected]

LOOKOUT EMERGENCY AID SOCIETY  is a charitable organization and social safety net that provides housing and a range of support services to adults with low or no income who have few, if any, housing or support options.

Always looking for donations of good quality items such as clothing, furniture, kitchenware and toiletries. Drop off items at 528 Powell Street, Vancouver (open at 10am each day), or at the North Shore Shelter, North Vancouver, or the Russell Residence (and New Westminster Shelter), New Westminster. Still have questions? Please email Karen Young at email: [email protected]. See current wish lists:



  • TVs and TV stands
  • computers 
  • microwaves

Contact Lookout Emergency Aid Society at 604-255-0340 for information on dropping off goods or making a donation.

c/o P.O. Box 21562
1424 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, B.C. V5L 5G2
Remember to include your return address so we can mail you a tax receipt.

  • Vacuum cleaner – must be robust (Dyson, Miele or good brand that can be used a lot in our transition house)

For complete wish list see: http://www.rapereliefshelter.bc.ca/help/donate/donate#Donate%20Items

To donate items please call 604-876-0872 Monday to Friday 9.30-5.30 or email [email protected]

Clothing and furniture please give to:

Mis’cel’any Women Helping Women (2 locations)
2615 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC (604) 254-9999
1029 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, BC (604) 215-9970

Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre
302 Columbia Street,
Vancouver, BC
(604) 681-8480

Sheway (children’s toys)
533 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
(604) 216-1699

Helping Families in Need Society
Tel: (604) 294-3087


  1. I have a 48 inch projection TV tat I would like to donate. Can’t drop off. Has to be picked up. Good. Excellent condition. Please let me know. 7788591470

  2. christopher Klaiber

    I would like to donate all my dvds and cds on top of my stereo

    • CharityWishList.ca

      Hello Christopher, thank you for wanting to find a new home for your CDs and DVDs. CharityWishList.ca just provides you with the contact information of charities near you that might want what you want to give away. You would need to contact the charity of your choice directly. For example, you could directly contact North Shore Neighbourhood House “please contact Lisa Hubbard at 604-987-8138, ext 229 or by email at [email protected]http://www.nsnh.bc.ca/giving_gifts.php

      Michelle Beaupre, Owner, CharityWishList.ca

  3. I have a working t.v I’d like to donate. I’d need a pick up. I live in Richmond

  4. I have a home theatre system I’d like to donate

  5. Hello there,

    I got a few lap tops to donate as well as cell phones. I want to donate it to women or children in need. Which society would accept those items.


  6. Hi

    I would like to donate a few monitors ( no stands) but I would prefer that the donation would go to animals in need. Which society would accept it?

    Thank you

  7. Hi there- I have an older digital camera that still works – no retail value but I would love to donate it if someone wanted it.

  8. Here’s a good charity in BC to add to your list: https://www.techforall.ca/

    • Hello, thank you for the suggestion of adding Tech for All to the CharityWishList.ca website. I just sent them a message asking if they would like to be added.

      Much appreciated,

      Michelle Beaupré

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