Beyond the social good of giving to charities, there is an environmental good.

“In 1996, Canadians sent 20.6 million tonnes of waste for disposal in landfills or incinerators, and diverted approximately 6.0 million tonnes through recycling and reuse of materials. By comparison, in 2014 – almost 20 years later – 25.1 million tonnes of waste found its way to Canadian landfills and incinerators, while 9.1 million tonnes of waste were diverted from landfill.”BAB
[Statistics Canada, Telling Canada’s Story in Numbers #ByTheNumbers – based on the results of the biennial Waste Management Industry Survey: Business and Government Sectors 2014.]

The trend in Canada …
“Downsizing seniors are moving into Toronto Condos and overcoming challenges by creating communities … for the first time in the province’s history, Ontario is home to more people over 65 than children under 15.” – Alexandra Sienkiewicz, Journalist and Producer, CBC News. May 26, 2017, Article “With a wave of seniors coming, why many are choosing to ‘age in place’ in Toronto condos.” helps make the downsizing transition easier, by making it quick and easy to divert seniors’ excess stuff away from ending up in landfills and instead helps to get the items into the hands of charities and their clients that can make use of them. Everyone is welcome to use this website.