Wish List: https://spca.bc.ca/donate/other-ways-to-give/
Example of office supplies wanted (see wish list link above for most current needs):
- photocopy paper
- printing services
- pens
- post-it notes
- staplers
- packing tape
- colour paper
- colour markers
- highlighters
- pens
- blankets, dog beds, towels, sheets
- cleaning supplies like dusters, mops & mop buckets, thick gardening gloves, garden rake, leaf blower or weed eater
1205 East 7th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
V5T 1R1
Telephone: 604-879-7721
Email: [email protected]
LOOKOUT EMERGENCY AID SOCIETY is a charitable organization and social safety net that provides housing and a range of support services to adults with low or no income who have few, if any, housing or support options.
Always looking for donations of good quality items such as toiletries, furniture, kitchenware, and clothing. Drop off items at 528 Powell Street, Vancouver (open at 10am each day), or at the North Shore Shelter, North Vancouver, or the Russell Residence (and New Westminster Shelter), New Westminster. Still have questions? Please email Karen Young at email: [email protected]. See current wish lists: http://lookoutsociety.ca/get-involved/donate/
Contact Lookout Emergency Aid Society at 604-255-0340 for information on dropping off goods or making a donation.
c/o P.O. Box 21562
1424 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, B.C. V5L 5G2
Remember to include your return address so we can mail you a tax receipt.
- Office Supplies/ public education materials (paper, paint, markers, button maker and supplies, lables etc)
- Tupperware – new
- Laundry detergent (ideally low or no scent and Dish Soap
- Bedding for single beds (new or gently used)
- Towels (Prefer white new or gently used)
- Diapers
- Baby items – diapers, sealed unopened formula etc…
For complete wish list see: http://www.rapereliefshelter.bc.ca/help/donate/donate#Donate%20Items
To donate items please call 604-876-0872 Monday to Friday 9.30-5.30 or email [email protected]
I have 2 desks with hutches to be donated. They will need to be picked up. Located near Waterfront station
Hi Santana, I just left a voice mail at one of the charities. I am waiting to hear back from them. If they are interested, I will let you know to contact them directly. Please note that CharityWishList.ca is like a directory, to help you find a charity near you that wants what you want to give away. I don’t collect any items myself. I will follow-up with an email.Thanks for looking for a new home for the furniture! – Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca
Hi Charity wishlist,
My name is Kim and our company is closing our office and we have lots of gently used and some that have never been used binders. Would you know of any charities in the Vancouver or Burnaby area that would be willing to take them?
Hi Kim, have you tried the two charities listed on my website? Aside from that, you could try the Salvation Army Thrift Stores. Either use a drop-off bin or bring into one of their many thrift stores. https://thriftstore.ca/locations Maybe call first. Select the location closest to you, their contact info will be listed. Hope this is helpful. – Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca
Hi, I have a ton of lightly used 3 ring binders (ranging from 1 in to 3 in) from our office. I would hate to have to take them to the landfill and would love to donate them to some organization.
Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Chantel, for 3 ring binders, I suggest contacting local schools for their art classes. Ask to speak to art teachers. I have found that art teachers tend to love binder donations so their students can keep their art projects organized and they can reallocate art supply funds that might have otherwise been spent on binders. You can also try After4(pm) programs in schools, same idea. For really large quantities, I suggest contacting a school board first. They might be able to take them all and allocated to various schools or classes in one batch. Hope this helps. Thank you for putting in the effort to avert premature landfill use, and getting the binders into the hands of someone that can make use of them.
Michelle Beaupre
Hello I have about 9 banks boxes of user Black Binders I am looking to donate.
Hi Melanie, I suggest contacting your local school. Ask if the art department or after4 school programs would like the binders for art portfolios/art projects. I have found that this seems to be the most popular route for binders to get reused. Offices tend to not need binders these days with the popularity of digital record keeping.
Hope this suggestion is helpful. Otherwise, could try your local Salvation Army. https://www.thriftstore.ca/donations-of-clothing-and-household-goods/
Happy New Year!
Michelle Beaupre
Hey! We have a ton of 2-hole punches that are brand new and won’t be used. Who would be a good candidate for these potentially?
Hi Sarah, for a large number of 2-hole punches, I would suggest contacting your local high school art department or elementary art or after school programs. They might find a use for them for art projects.
Here is a start:
Vancouver School Board
School District #39
1580 West Broadway Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 5K8
Phone: (604) 713-5000
Email: [email protected]
Or Salvation Army Thrift Store:
Find a location nearest you: https://www.thriftstore.ca/
Thank you for putting in the effort to rehome the punches first.
Hope this helps.
Sincerely, Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca
Hi there.
I have 200 Crayola Markers in 10 different colors plus 12 extra marker caps, never been used and still in a box. I am in New Westminster bc, and would like to donate to a good cause. Thank you.
Hi Yoko, thank you for wanting to rehome the 200 Crayola Markers. I can suggest contacting a local elementary school near you and offering the markers to the After4 program, or art teacher for class use. Or summer camps.
Other ideas:
Local charity shops, for example New Westminister BC Salvation Army Thrift Store https://www.thriftstore.ca/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=mybusiness&utm_campaign=google_my_business&utm_id=Google%20MyBusiness
Local community groups.
Local residential care homes.
Local hospices.
Local churches.
Note that CharityWishList.ca doesn’t collect anything itself. It is like a directory to help you find charities near you that would be interested in the items.
Hope this is helpful,
Michelle Beaupré
Hello. Any ideas of who could use x5 wire hanging file caddies and 20+ wire in baskets?
Hi Stef, for the hanging file caddies and wire in baskets, likely the art department of your local school might be interested in supplies like that to hold student art projects. Other ideas, summer camps, After4 School Programs.
Hope this is helpful,
Michelle Beaupré
We have a ton of hanging legal file folder. I like to donate them rather then tashing them There are in perfect condition.
Hi Jacqueline, I can suggest contacting your local school art departments, after4 programs, and summer camps. Those groups seem to be the ones most often interested in file folders and hanging folders as they can use them to store student projects and repurpose the cardboard for other projects. Hope this helps. Charities, like most offices, are going digital more often than not so best to find non-traditional uses for them seem to be the way to go – to repurpose them.
All the best,
Michelle Beaupré
Hello; I am declutterring and have writing papers with 3 holes punched, stationery to write letters with their envelopes, miscellaneous cards, black and blue pens, scotch tapes, etc, Where can I donate them?
Hi Ana Maria, you could reach out to
Wish List: https://spca.bc.ca/donate/other-ways-to-give/
Example of office supplies wanted (see wish list link above for most current needs):
photocopy paper
printing services
post-it notes
packing tape
colour paper
colour markers
blankets, dog beds, towels, sheets
cleaning supplies like dusters, mops & mop buckets, thick gardening gloves, garden rake, leaf blower or weed eater
1205 East 7th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
V5T 1R1
Telephone: 604-879-7721
Email: [email protected]
Or other options listed on the Donate Supplies page. https://charitywishlist.ca/select-province/british-columbia/vancouver/donate-supplies-home-office-school-vancouver-area/
Or could try your nearest elementary schools and daycare centres, for their after4 programs, or art programs.
Note that CharityWishList.ca doesn’t collect anything itself.
Hope this helps.
Michelle Beaupre
We are moving buildings and have many binders for donation. 1inch, 2 inch and 3 inch. At least 20. Wondering if there is anywhere these are needed?
Hi Allison, thank you for looking into options to rehome your binders. I have found that the most likely route for you to take is to contact your local schools’ art department and after4 school programs. Binders are often wanted for students to keep their art projects in throughout the year, and be able to take home at the end of the year, so schools go through a lot of binders. Here is a link to the Vancouver School Board. From there you can easily find links to schools in Vancouver. https://www.vsb.bc.ca/
Hope this helps. You may also want to try private schools with summer programs. I worked for one before in Ottawa, and the After4 Program and summer program leads loved to receive binders for art projects.
Hope this helps,
Michelle Beaupre