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Donate Used Books and Magazines (Ottawa Area)



Donations of 2 boxes or less can be dropped off at any Ottawa Public Library branch.

Donations of more than 2 boxes at a time, please arrange to drop off at their distribution centre. The book donations would need to be boxed up in box sizes no larger than bank or LCBO boxes so they can be lifted by staff. And the boxes should be closed so they can be stacked. You are welcome to bring them all at once if you want, or in multiple trips. 

  • You would need to call in advance to book an appointment to drop them off. Here is the contact info:  
If you would like to make a large donation, or if you have questions regarding a potential donation, please call 613-580-2424 x27875 and a volunteer will be happy to assist you.  

Types of donations WishList and where to bring the books:


Info on what they do and don’t accept: https://www.fopla-aabpo.ca/what-we-accept/


WishList: http://www.rmhottawa.com/ways-to-give/wish-list/

Click link above to view our full wish list.

Family Room Specific donations

  • Magazines (recently dated, previously enjoyed) subscriptions can be mailed to: Ronald McDonald Family Room, 407 Smyth Rd, Ottawa, ON. K1H 8M8
  • Craft room supplies

Contact information/drop off location/map : http://www.rmhottawa.com/contact/ 



– Children’s & Adult’s

See their website for updates and other types of welcome donations.https://stjoeswomenscentre.org/donations/

Donations can be dropped off to the Centre, Monday to Friday from 9 am – 3 pm

Address: 151 Laurier Ave. East, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N8



(formerly called SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL)

Store/Bin Locator: locations https://chezvincent.org/trouver-un-magasin/

Donate books (not magazines), videos and music/vinyl, medical equipment, clothing, furniture (not large appliances), various household items. Drop off possible at 2 stores & home pick-ups possible.

Website is now: https://chezvincent.org/trouver-un-magasin/.

[Used to be https://saintvincentdepaul.ca ]


“We are currently seeking donations of new or nearly new books suitable for children up to age 12.” 

For more information and drop-off locations please visit website at:

WishList: http://www.twiceuponatime.ca/get-involved/donate-books-2/

Pick-up arrangements can be made for donations of >20 books.


  1. I am moving from my place in Kanata in the spring of 2018. I have books and magazines I could donate to your orgnization.

    You would have to pick them up however.

    • CharityWishList.ca

      Hi Bruce, thank you for your message. I checked around and there is only one charity I could find that will pick up both books and magazines in Kanata. That is Saint Vincent de Paul Society. When I called to verify, Susan offered to contact you directly so I provided her with your e-mail address. You should hear from her shortly. (Note CharityWishList.ca does not collect anything itself, its like a directory.) I hope this is helpful.
      Michelle Beaupre, Owner, CharityWishList.ca

      • I have 6 or more wine boxes of magazine.
        Mostly Car Magazines and National Geographic, both Regular and Traveler.
        I live in Napean. Do you have any interest in these, or know of a place that would. Thank you for any advice on this matter. I hate the idea of putting them out with the garbage.

        • Hi Carolyn, magazines are harder to rehome. I have left a message at an elementary school to see if they can use the magazines for their arts and crafts / after 4 program for reading/cut out for collages projects. You may also want to try someplace like the Royal Canadian Legion – they may be able to offer the magazines in their legion halls to give to vets who come by. I’ll contact you by email when I hear back. – Michelle

  2. Children’s books in good shape can be donated to Twice Upon a Time: Free books for Ottawa kids. For info on items not accepted and where to bring books:

    • Hi Leslie! Thank you very much for letting me know about Twice Upon A Time. I verified them against the CRA website and I have added their information to CharityWishList.ca Thank you, what a great charity! = Michelle Beaupre, Owner CharityWishlist.ca

  3. Hello Leslie,

    We have a significant quantity of used magazines including “Our Canada”, Canadian Geographic”, “Cottage Life”, “Air Force Magazine”, and “National Geographics”. We think they can be of some use to some organizations but not sure what that would be. We can deliver them to any Ottawa/Gatineau group that would be interested in them.

  4. Suzanne Gervais

    I have mystery books – Patterson, Cornell, Hoag, Grisham to name a few. Lots of hardcovers. Where could I donate them?

  5. Jacqueline d'Amboise

    Hi: We are moving and have the following number of items to donate: 1) About 100 music cassettes, all in great shape, from classical to country, rock, jazz, flamenco 2) About 5o VHS including Disney and many for children as well as others 3) Many boxes of books. We have both been University Professors so books in French and English, probably a few in Spanish and Chinese, as well as Greek, German. Novels, books of poems etc.

    Usually we would donate the books to the Ottawa Public Library but they are not accepting anything at this time.

  6. Jacqueline d'Amboise

    Hi: We are moving and have the following number of items to donate:

    I forgot to add some 50 or so LPs from Classical to Jazz and Blues

  7. Hi. I live in the Hull sector of Gatineau, and have a lot of used books to donate.
    Unfortunately I don’t drive, and I hate to throw them away!
    Anyone in need of them?

  8. Hi JJ, I would suggest contacting:
    “Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs de l’Outaouais (Big Brothers Big Sisters)


    Do you have clothes or used items that you no longer want to use?

    You can offer them to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Outaouais!

    We collect your donations directly from your house!

    195 rue Deveault, unite 10, Gatineau, QC Canada J8Z 1S7
    Email: [email protected] Telephone: (819) 778-0101 Contact us”

  9. Can someone tell me where can I donate old “Byte” and “Pouplar Electronic” magazines near nepean?

    • Hi Lawrence, I am still trying to find a location in Nepean for you. The Ottawa Public Library isn’t accepting book or magazines for now; Saint Vincent de Paul on Merivale isn’t accepting magazines and has a lot of books so they can’t take them. I have contacted some other places waiting to hear back from them. There is likely a STEM group that would be interested. Or even after4 program for cutting out images and doing collages (after the magazines have been quarantined for a bit.) I’ll let you know if I find someone that wants them. Please let me know if you find a home for them. Thanks, Michelle

  10. H. I am looking for a home for several boxes of fiction and non-fiction books. I manage a small library in a condo building in Ottawa and every so often need to make room for different books on the shelves. With Covid affecting numerous donation requirements a new home for these books is a little more difficult to find. Any suggestions? I drive so no need for someone to pick up.


    • Hi Diny, yes donating items is a bit more complicated these days. Thank you for looking for options. The Friends of the Ottawa Public Library have one newly designated location in Nepean for book donations, only by appointment. Hope this helps, here is the link where all the details can be found: https://www.fopla-aabpo.ca/where-to-donate/
      If you need other suggestions please contact me. Thanks, Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

  11. We have National Geographic magazines from 1971 until 1997 with leather holders .
    Could you advise where we could donate these in the Ottawa area? They are in perfect condition.
    We live in Ottawa and would be willing to deliver.

  12. I have love of Chinese story books can donate. Do yo know anyone will take it.

  13. Hi there! I have about 200 softcover books to donate. Mostly Patterson, Lee Child, Baldacci, Coulter, Flynn, Thor, Robert B Parker and others along that genre. I also have a number of Lonely Planet and Fodor travel books as well. Any suggestions? I can drop them off anywhere in the Ottawa region that is still taking books

    • Hi Kim, there are special arrangements for book drop offs to “Friends of the Ottawa Public Library” by appointment and only at one designated location with specific guidelines to follow please see at link https://www.fopla-aabpo.ca/where-to-donate/

      As well, Saint Vincent de Paul is accepting book donations at their two locations as well as bins throughout town. Their info is on my website under Ontario, Ottawa, donate books. Hope this helps. Thank you for looking for a charity to donate your 200 books, awesome!
      Michelle Beaupre

  14. Hi Michelle,
    We have two boxes full of textbooks (highschool – undergraduate) of different disciplines that we would like to donate. I am able to drop them off at any location that’s accepting such items.

    Thank you in advance

    • Hi, thank you for wanting to find a new home for your high school – undergraduate books. The most ideal place to donate would be with the school they were used at – they could use as additional library copies, or give to students currently using them. A second option is Saint Vincent de Paul Society. They accept book donations. Here is a link to SVP bin locations: https://saintvincentdepaul.ca/our-locations hopes this helps. CharityWishList.ca is like a directory, providing contact info of charities interested in the type of items that people want to give away. You would need to reach out to the charity directly / drop off with them as I don’t accept any items myself. Hope this is helpful. Sincerely, Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

  15. Hi Michelle,
    I have roughy 400 Woodworking magazines, it would be a shame to put them in the garbage – any idea where they could be put to good use? I am able to drop them off at any location that’s accepting such items.

    Thx in advance

  16. I have an upright piano in excellent condition. Some of its keys are chipped, but the sound board is solid, and it would make a great instrument in a school, seniors’ home, or other place where it would get heavy use. I would be willing to pay for moving it if I knew it was going to a good home. Would a refugee family be a possibility, or community centre in an area with many recent immigrants? I also have a lot of piano books (K-8) that could be useful.

  17. I have several hundred books I would like to donate. There are a variety of topics such as sports (hockey, basketball, baseball, soccer) history books, travel books, biography’s, etc. Mostly hard cover in like new condition. These were my husbands collection of books, who passed away about 2 years ago, and I need to find a new home for them.

    • Hi Linda, my condolences on the passing of your husband.Thank you for wanting to find a new home for the books. I will try some contacts Friday and get back to you by email asap. Thanks, Michelle Beaupre

    • Hi Linda, great news, I just spoke with Penelope at the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library, and they are accepting book donations at their distribution centre (their website just hasn’t been updated completely yet.) The book donations would need to be boxed up in box sizes no larger than bank or LCBO boxes so they can be lifted by staff. And the boxes should be closed so they can be stacked. You are welcome to bring them all at once if you want, or in multiple trips. You would need to call in advance to book an appointment to drop them off. Here is the contact info: If you would like to make a large donation, or if you have questions regarding a potential donation, please call 613-580-2424 x27875 and a volunteer will be happy to assist you. Penelope says they would be thrilled to receive them. Thank you finding a new home for the books, they will bring enjoyment to many I’m sure. – Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

      FOPLA Distribution Facility
      James Bartleman Centre, Room 149
      100 Tallwood Drive, Ottawa ON K2G 4R7
      (613) 580-2424 x27875
      Email: [email protected]

  18. I have National Geographic magazines from 1977-1997 ( so 240 magazines) in leather holders for the bookcase , plus around 40 additional national geo. magazines . I can deliver them . Do you know any org. that takes these.

  19. Hello, similar question as previous, am looking for a home for a decade or two of National Geographic magazines, I’ll deliver.
    Thank you.

    • Hi Rob, after a lot of searching I was able to find a charity for the previous offer of two decades of National Geographic but they are not accepting more for now. I know the Ottawa Public Library will not take them (even as a collection – I checked with them for the last batch.) But you could try elementary schools near you. Ask if the art department would like them for cutting out animals and making art collages (and if you have the magazines in sleeves, they might be able to reuse the sleeves for art projects.) Please contact the schools near you by phone or email first to see if interested. If you do find an organization and they would want more magazines, please let me know so I can have them as a resource for future inquiries. Thanks and good luck. Michelle – CharityWishList.ca

    • Hi Rob, further to my previous response, I just added the non-profit Second Hand Stories in Ottawa.https://secondhandstories.ca They are interested in National Geographics. You can contact the founder and director, Liz Wheeler at 613-501-2980 to make arrangements if you still have them to donate. 🙂 Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

  20. I have Theological Commentaries to donate.

    • Hi Dora Joan, the only place I can think of to try would be St. Paul’s University. “Saint Paul University is a bilingual Catholic Pontifical university federated with the University of Ottawa since 1965.” https://ustpaul.ca They have a Theology Department. Maybe they would be interested. Note that CharityWishList.ca is like a directory so I don’t collect anything myself. You will need to reach out to them directly please.613-236-1393 Email: [email protected] I hope this is helpful. – Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

  21. I have numerous hard cover books from my parents house (both deceased) where could I donate them?

  22. Hello,

    I have a lot of fashion magazines from the past decade that I would like to donate. Do you have updated information on I can drop them off?


    • Hi AT, I would suggest contacting Richard Robinson Design School (not a charity, but the magazines would likely be put to best use there for their fashion design summer camps for kids.) I spoke with the manager and she would like to know more. I will email you as well. – Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

  23. My parents have leather bound collections of classic children’s books, the great philosophers, translation dictionaries (Eng/Fre/Sp). Where could we donate these to? Thanks for your help

    • Hi LP, There is a list of charities on the page you were on. For example the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library. You would need to schedule an appointment by contacting them directly please https://www.fopla-aabpo.ca/where-to-donate/ By appointment ONLY at the James Bartleman Centre (100 Tallwood Drive). Please call (613) 580-2424 Extension 27875 Monday through Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and a volunteer will be happy to help you. Thanks, Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

    • Hi LP, There is a list of charities on the page you were on. For example the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library. You would need to schedule an appointment by contacting them directly please https://www.fopla-aabpo.ca/where-to-donate/ By appointment ONLY at the James Bartleman Centre (100 Tallwood Drive). Please call (613) 580-2424 Extension 27875 Monday through Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and a volunteer will be happy to help you.

      —- OR for another example:

      You could also donate the books to SECOND HAND STORIES
      WishList: https://secondhandstories.ca
      A non-profit bookshop benefiting animals. Book donations and purchases by appointment.
      E-mail: [email protected]
      —- OR
      Childrens’ books to:
      “We are currently seeking donations of new or nearly new books suitable for children up to age 12.”
      For more information and drop-off locations please visit website at:
      WishList: http://www.twiceuponatime.ca/get-involved/donate-books-2/
      Pick-up arrangements can be made for donations of >20 books.

      Thanks, Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

  24. Looking for where to donate office stationeries like letter headed papers,envelopes,branded hard back cover( got loads of them)

    • Hi Fortune, I spoke with Christina Raineri of Ability First (Ottawa) and she could be interested. She requests that you please email her photos and quantities so she can ask around to see who could make use of the stuff (maybe for arts and crafts for example.) I will email you her email address and contact information. Thanks, Michelle Beaupre, CharityWishList.ca

  25. Hello, I have about 15 university text books in 2 small
    Boxes to donate. Could you help me locate the best to bring these too. I am located in kanata. Thank you in advance for your help!

  26. Hi Michelle, Further to the query above re: textbooks, UOttawa has donation boxes on campus for Textbooks for Change; textbooks are donated, sold, or recycled. More information is available at this link: https://www.uottawa.ca/campus-life/campus-sustainability/waste-diversion/textbooks-change

  27. Hello, I have 2 large grocery bags of books (paperback and a few hardcover), mostly fiction and some health related. Are there any charitable organizations which would accept them. I would be able to drop off in Little Italy, Civic Hospital or Westboro area.

  28. Hi, my name is Emily I have about 30 to 40 valid calendars that my store is no longer selling, I was wondering if you could tell me where I can give them away. They’re good until December 2023 and are cat and dog themed. I have three sizes, small, medium and large.

    • Hi Emily,
      Calendars can be used by many so maybe offer to a nursing home near you. Or use as a promotional item give-away for your store via social media. Or ask someplace like the Rose Ages Breast Health Centre at the General Hospital if they want them to put out in the waiting room for people going for mammograms, ultrasounds and mri tests (you would need to drop off). Of course there are also options like drop-off bins for Salvation Army. Or drop off at Saint Vincent de Paul. Info on my website. https://charitywishlist.ca
      Hope this helps,
      Michelle Beaupre

  29. Hi there,

    I have multiple boxes of mixed DVDs and VHS’s. Where in Ottawa could these be donated?


    • Hi Shelby, I called the Friends of the Ottawa Public Library and they would love them. For any amount greater than two boxes, you would need to bring them to the main distribution centre (by appointment only). The DVDs and VHSs would need to be in the original cases. Would need to be boxed up in box sizes no larger than bank or LCBO boxes so they can be lifted by staff. And the boxes should be closed so they can be stacked. You are welcome to bring them all at once if you want, or in multiple trips.
      Please call in advance to book an appointment to drop them off. Here is the contact info:
      If you would like to make a large donation, or if you have questions regarding a potential donation, please call 613-580-2424 x27875 and a volunteer will be happy to assist you. Distribution Centre: Distribution Center volunteers at:
      James Bartleman Center, Room 149,
      100 Tallwood Drive, Ottawa (ON)
      K2G 4R7
      613 580-2424, ext. 27875
      Email: [email protected]

      Or Saint Vincent de Paul, or Salvation Army Thrift Stores for example. They take that type of donation. Their contact information is on my website under the furniture section.

      Hope this helps,

  30. Hi – I have a few boxes of cookbooks. Are there any charities that would be interested in receiving them?

    • Hi Elinor,
      I spoke with the “Friends of the Ottawa Public Library” and they would be interested in the donation of cook books if they have an ISBN number, and are in sellable condition. They are closed Monday because of Remembrance Day, but open Tuesday to Friday 10am to 2pm next week. They would need you to call to make an appointment to drop off the books. 613-580-2424 x27875

      Hope this helps,

  31. Thank you!

    This is a fantastic resource.
    Offer to others and save the planet.
    That’s brilliant!

    Great work, thank you!

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